The façade, whose sumptuousness responds to the purposes of grandeur of the client, has a coating walls characteristic of Renaissance architecture. Four giants columns dominate the central part, elegant bas-reliefs with heraldic symbols surmount the many windows. Of particular value is the staircase decorated with classic vases chalice. The buyer of the building, Alberico XII of Belgioioso d'Este, was an important collector of books and works of art, transformed this house in a cultural lounge frequented by famous artists and writers of the time, among which the names and Parini and Foscolo. The original decor of the interior were designed by Piermarini and performed by neoclassical valuable artists. On the main floor, in addition to the chapel of the palace, there is the "cipriera": the small room to the toilet where the nobles were powdering his wig. Hosted Napoleon.