The nowaday’s configuration of the building (the Church has been completely renovated in XII century), is a round structure that is very rare rare in Italy . this makes it a unique architectural work in Italian Romanesque art , where astronomy, geometry and cosmic symbolism are present everywhere.
The building, which is also assumed to be of templar influence, carries unique symbolic features that represents the relationship with God and Infinity:
• its orientation is not in typical of Roman Latin architecture, but it follows the architecture of Northern Europe (Ireland)
• The apse is aligned according to the rising sun in summer solstice;
• The geometric construction is based on the” Polaris Sidus” and on octagon encoding, which identifies precise cosmic and simbolic directions.
• The “golden ratio”(i.e. divine proportion), is to be found in the ratio between the external and internal size;
• The lancet windows are placed according to the moon orientation (new moon at lunistizi). This particolar position creates unique lightsplay on solstices and equinoxes.